A new era of advocacy – how voices of people with CP changed the game in NSW
The 2023 NSW election has been the seeding ground for a new era of advocacy where campaigns are run and won entirely by people with lived experience. Come and hear from us, […] Read moreRead more -
You’re invited: Blaze the Trail virtual launch
We’re a group of students and young adults in our early careers with cerebral palsy who have come together this year to advocate on issues that matter to us. And we’re inviting […] Read moreRead more -
We’re launching our CPActive NextGen Campaign!
We are a group of students and young adults in our early careers with cerebral palsy who have come together this year to advocate on issues that matter to us. You can […] Read moreRead more -
World Cerebral Palsy Day Awards
An international event not to be missed, this awards ceremony will showcase all the best and brightest ideas from the cerebral palsy community. CPActive will be hosting a special virtual event to […] Read moreRead more -
Youth Lab #3- The Power of Networking
Join us for our third CPActive ‘Youth Lab’ as the final instalment of a series of virtual events for young people with CP to help inform the design of a pilot advocacy […] Read moreRead more -
Youth Lab#2: Exercising your rights
We’re kicking off our next ‘Youth Lab’ virtual event on exercising your rights when it comes to education, funding and the workforce. Register for the event on Wednesday 24th August at 6pm […] Read moreRead more -
Youth Lab #1– designing an inclusive education
Join us in a series of ‘Youth Lab’ virtual events where young people with cerebral palsy will have the chance to co-design a set of recommendations that makes school, university, and the […] Read moreRead more -
Town Hall Takeover- Dylan Alcott to hear from youth activists
CPActive is hosting a virtual Town Hall to showcase the voices of young people living with cerebral palsy and similar disabilities. The lived experience of young people will be at the centre […] Read moreRead more -
The future is yours: register now
The future of the NDIS is a hot topic, but what does this mean for young people with disability and have we heard enough of these voices throughout this Federal election campaign? […] Read moreRead more -
Launch into 2022: making online dating, education, and democracy accessible
2022 will be a massive year for Australians, and CPActive is ready to make some waves. On Tuesday 22 March at 7PM, join the CPActive community to gear up for the year […] Read moreRead more