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Welcome to CPActive

Welcome to CPActive video

We’re a community of people of all ages who care about making Australia a more inclusive place for people with cerebral palsy and other disabilities.

Whether you’re someone with a disability, a parent, a carer or simply an ally – we need you on our team.

Join us

Who we are

Watch this short video to learn more about who we are and how CPActive brings people together to make Australia more inclusive.

What we do

We’re a campaigning platform that brings together people with disability, families, carers, and community members who are passionate about creating real policy change for people with disabilities.


Families and Carers

People with disability

Community allies

How we campaign for change

Events run by people with disabilities

Driving policy change to governments

Making Australia a more inclusive place

Whether you have a disability, you work in the area, or you simply are passionate about making Australia a more inclusive place for people with disabilities – we need you on our team.

We can’t do it without you.

Join us
Modern Slavery

What we’re campaigning for

Expanding accessible technologies

Early screening programs for babies

Four CPActive Champions

Better pathways from school to work

And so much more, Have your say about what’s to come.

Get involved

By joining you get

Special invites to events and access to resources to build your campaign skills

Opportunities to inform real policy change

Networking and connections to people with similar experiences

Join us today