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The future is yours: register now

4 May 2022

The future of the NDIS is a hot topic, but what does this mean for young people with disability and have we heard enough of these voices throughout this Federal election campaign?

So how do we turn this attention from a ‘moment’ into longer-lasting momentum for the change we need to see to create a better future for young people living with disabilities?

Are you a person with a disability aged 16-24 and have ideas you want to share?

Register now for CPActive’s Youth Future Forum from 7pm on Monday 9 May.

The Forum is your chance to join other like-minded young people for a discussion about what the future could look like.

It could be something local like making a local sporting oval more accessible. Or discuss your experience in areas like education and employment. Or the lack of media representation of young people with a physical disability.

Or it could be something else entirely … it’s up to you and others in this small group chat.

This is your opportunity to be part of something new and co-design and grow a movement from the very beginning.

Register now for this free online event from 7pm on Monday.

Captions and Auslan interpretation will be provided.

The future is unwritten – we’d love you to be part of this.

Yours in action,

CPActive team

PS. If you can’t make it on Monday night but would like to be part of this new movement, email Teigan at
