> Our champions > Lia Sintras

Lia Sintras

Lia Sintras is 23 and a passionate advocate for people living with disability. She currently works at disability support organisation Hireup, where she helps manage compliance for their support workers on the platform.

Lia believes in the power of educating people about disability, breaking stereotypes and proving that just because you have a disability it doesn’t mean you can’t do everything everyone else can do – you’ll just have a different journey to reach your goals.

As a CPActive Champion, Lia hopes to help people see the world in a new perspective and think about everyday things in a different way. Her aim is to make the world a more accessible place where people with disability are accepted everywhere.

Lia is a major sports fan, following tennis, NRL and cricket. When she’s not hard at work or cooking new and delicious food for her family, she plays tennis and indulges in more adrenaline-charged activities like skiing and indoor skydiving.

“If I can play a part in making a difference and getting people to focus on ability not disability, then I have done what I set out to do”.
