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Launching the 2025 CPActive Champions Steering Committee

24 Jan 2025

CPActive is excited to introduce the newly onboarded 2025 CPActive Champions Steering Committee, a dynamic group of young people with lived experience of cerebral palsy who are leading the CPActive communities charge for change.

On Wednesday 15th January, this dedicated group of advocates met for a full-day intensive at our Allambie site to build relationships, discuss CPActive’s foundations, and strategise for the future.

The Champions Steering Committee is central to the work of CPActive, our advocacy platform that empowers people with disability to have a direct voice in the decisions that affect their lives. The committee’s members — Riley Saban (Coffs Harbour), Aman Gopolani (Sydney), Sophie Geeves (Sydney), Laura Pettenuzzo (Melbourne), and Luther Hare (Canberra) — represent the diverse and passionate network of CPActive Champions and the wider community of people with cerebral palsy.

Their role is pivotal. They are amplifying the voices of our community to ensure CPActive’s initiatives align with what people with lived experience truly want. They will work alongside our operations team to design and deliver campaigns, community events, and our Young Changemakers program, a leadership and advocacy initiative aimed at empowering youth.

What makes this model especially powerful is that it’s people with CP, leading the way for other people with disabilities. This approach is not only empowering but also a best practice model in advocacy and service delivery. By working directly with those who have lived experience, we ensure our activities are authentic and impactful, creating real change within our communities.

CPActive continues to be an initiative of CPA and as CPA staff, you have a unique opportunity to be part of the movement. Join us in supporting the work of CPActive and stay up to date on the latest developments by signing up as a member today. Your involvement helps amplify the voices of those who are leading the way.

Sign up now at and become part of the change.
