Invest in Aussie tech - Put people with disability at the centre of technology design
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It’s time to invest in tech and put people with disability at the centre of it.

People with disability are the best innovators. But right now, there is little to no government investment being made to develop new technologies driven by people with disability.

We are asking for one thing: A commitment to fund a technology start up process that puts people with disability at the centre of it.

Join us in calling for political leaders to invest in a new technology start up process or a ‘hub’ that brings together various parts of the disability tech ecosystem.  That would include bringing together researchers, engineers, and entrepreneurs.

A commitment to invest in technology driven by people with disabilities would:

  1. Put the voices of people with disability at the centre of technology innovation
  2. Make technology more accessible for everyone in the community
  3. Give people with disability access to practical solutions that are driven from real needs

Just imagine the amazing things that will come out of those new technologies, and how many lives it could change.

To get the attention of our political leaders – we need EVERYONE to get behind this petition.  whether you are someone with a disability, a carer, parent, or  care about this issue, please sign the petition today.

By signing, you’re helping us get one step closer to a future where technology is being made for people with disabilities, BY people with disabilities!

Disability tech makes the world more accessible for everyone in our community.

Think of a ramp for wheelchair access. What has that done? It’s made our public spaces more accessible for so many more.

But right now, there is little to no government investment being made to develop new technologies driven by people with disability. That’s despite 1 in 6 Australians having a disability.

There is so much untapped potential for technology to change people’s lives and improve life outcomes for everyone in the community. We want to see a government investment in a technology design and start up process that puts our best problem solvers, people with disability, at the centre of it.

Will you commit to investing in a technology start up process where people with disability are at the centre?

Sign the petition
